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Tsukasa (pronounced teh•sue•kah•sah) is enjoying Christmas in Japan

By crudehumour223@gmail.com | Updated 02/07/25(Fri)09:39:17

Tsukasa (pronounced teh•sue•kah•sah) is enjoying Christmas in Japan

Tsukasa (pronounced teh•sue•kah•sah) is enjoying Christmas in Japan

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

hi crude
why is her name pronounced wrong?
no he's not?
'tsu' in japanese is one syllable, not two
its t/su no?
it's just pronounced 'tsu' with the two consonant sounds, the t is not pronounced as a plosive
the suekasa? >>12058058
how do you know what a plosive is are you like a scholar
i read a lot of random wikipedia articles, and also i like linguistics
record a vocaroo for me telling me how much you love me and want my seed inside of you spelling out my name
They built the Sewage and Toxic Waste Chrissumassu Tree in Konata's town.
A 500 foot tall tree made out of depleted uranium rods, bound together with solid sewage based concrete aggregate. Beautifully decorated with hundreds of steel barrels, filled to the brim with industrial and human waste products.
As Konata and the rest of the townspeople gathered around to sing Dahoo Dores, a small bird landed on an upper branch, upsetting the delicate balancing act that kept the tree upright. In a flash the tree cashed to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. All the barrels burst, showering Konata and everyone she cares about in a putrid mixture of poop and chemicals.
Konata's mangoes and geimus (which she foolishly brought along) are now soaked and ruined forever.
You know this is a random image board, right?
You don't have to correct every mistake an anon makes.
It won't make anyone think you're intelligent.
you know this is a random image board, right? i'm allowed to do whatever i want with my replies. i thought there was some joke that i wasn't getting in the op so i asked why her name was pronounced wrong, simple as that
If this was an isolated incident, I might've believed you, but this happens on a regular basis.
every time you've confidently claimed to understand my motives for doing things, you were wrong. why are so sure you're right this time? there's no way for me to communicate my thoughts to you if you are determined to always see me as some evil, corrupting force on the board
I don't think you're evil. You're just young and lack confidence, so you take every opportunity you can find to show your worth.
knowing how to pronounce japanese syllables isn't 'worth.' i wonder if your armchair psychology always falls so flat because you don't know what human interaction is like
The definition of worth is subjective, you seem to see it as having knowledge others don't.
i have no idea what you're talking about at this point. god, you're so weird i hate talking to you
I have not seen a single opportunity to correct someone that you didn't take.
I'm am hypothesizing that the reason you do it is to affirm your self worth by showing your knowledge on various subjects.
I'm also pointing out that you often say that it is a misunderstanding or you were just making a joke as a possible cover when someone calls you out on it.
you dont' know what my motivations are, i am telling you point blankly that you are wrong and you are putting your fingers in your ears and going 'lalalalaa i can't hear you.' god you're so insufferable, i guess i shouldn't expect any more from someone who admitted to only using my namefig to 'troll,' that's really pathetic i hope you grow up soon
It's not that I'm not listening, it's that I don't believe you.
Sure this post might've been just misunderstanding, but it's your more elaborate posts that expose you.

This not solely my opinion, I have seen it mentioned many times. Perhaps it is best if you take a step back and self reflect.
what 'elaborate posts'? nothing you say makes any sense
Seriously, you've gotta be messing with me...
i don't know what you mean by 'elaborate.' do you mean long? a few of my posts are decently long. do you mean the posts where i'm talking about a subject i'm knowledgeable on? do you mean posts where i use elaborate language?
crudehumor is black >>12058515
The second one.

The are time when you needlessly nitpick, even after someone has acknowledged why they posted what they posted, an example that comes to mind is the otokonoko post the other day.
In fact the op was very clear about what they meant, but you felt the need to elaborate on the differences the different kanji in the spelling make.
https://voca.ro/1eCznvyDtzwB >>12058527
your voice hits like a jumpscare, i'm never opening a vocaroo from an untrusted source ever again
i wasn't arguing with them or anything, i was just talking about something i'm knowledgeable about. if someone was talking about one of your hobbies, wouldn't you try to talk to them about it? why are you acting like it's completely incomprehensible that i might just like talking about my interests with other people? i swear this is what 'trolling' does to a person, you can't wrap your head around normal conversations where people aren't trying to 'one up' the each other or make some joke at their expense. the more i talk to you, the more depressed you make me
ur nigger mother is black and I raped her? well duh obviously nigger lole
Ahh, sometimes it's hard to talk to you.

Perhaps that's how it felt for you, but from a third person perspective it looked like someone trying to lecture.
I'm willing to accept that it was not your intention, nevertheless, that was how it often comes off.
Yeah, Mi casa Tsukasa, got it stripping like Gaza, got so high of volcanoes, now the flow is so lava. crudehumor is spamming tweets under his alias kanye west >>12058550
cute drunke anone ^0^
people on here have called me autistic before. i've never been diagnosed with autism, but i think i have a few of the symptoms. i know i'm bad at communicating my intentions, but that doesn't mean they're always the most nefarious possible. just keep that in mind in the future
Fair enough
crudehumor is so black he's invisible in the dark >>12058586
ur a nigger n I raped ur mom? YIKES XD
i got you now bitch
this post has the same ID as crudehumor's posts in this thread
I got you now bitch crude humour raped yo momma xD
You goon to cheese pizza, shut up

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
I got you now bitch crude humour raped yo momma xD
Put your name back on faggot, you ain't got nothing to show

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
I'm raping your nigger mother you braindead faggot redditor nigger whose underage sister's anus I raped? true LOL
i see one of the soyjak posters got a new ip address
would you fugg konata
i tried to snipe trips but i have 5 active threads

>The easiest meme.
>Can only get singles.
>[s4s] has been patched so that he can only be killed by sniping quints.

>The strongest vocaloid.
>Can only be defeated with an ebin get on a monday.
It's not a jakposter, it's crudehumor because he's losing an argument, like always, he goes crazy in every thread of his

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Crude humour is raping your nigger mother while I'm shitting down your nigger mom's throat? well yeah obviously xD

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I like that image :D thanx, you're cool~
Can I eat your ass please
our little comedian

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
No, I'm being serious.
email me
How big's your dick
what if they don't have one
mouth is weeping >>12058713
why don't you have one man YIKES
oh WOW i used to ban people from Hell: It is a Forum for spelling the word "the" incorrectly, as "teh" and "da" were extremely annoying memes only used by idiots, and anyone who typed zomg got a very magical auto mod action that just redirected them to >>>/b/ instead of make a fucking post and in shpace.. two receivers turn away just in case two receivers turn away just in case hmm huh WOAH to displace just.. wow the film WHO SAID THE FILM? THE PIE BROTHERS? THE PIE WHOOOOO huh.. yeah but HOW and in shpace yeah don't worry hello john greetings and salutations ne, konata! evening was dawning upon the river

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
the day the sun goes out

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
and hides in the morning

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
evening, sir >.>

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
good evening to you

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
merry evening

Your fortune: Outlook good
merry hwhat now

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
evening, sir...

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
loving the input mate that is why I'm going to post a picture you might enjoy I'm just-- catering to you personally realistically speaking at thus- at this point I'm just doing it all for your sake so here's a grand image

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
loving the coffee

Your fortune: Average Luck
sure go right ahead and post some

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
sorry i drank it coffee man.. oh you!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
okay well >>12058029
Teh-su-kah-ahn this dick lmao lmao lmao

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
sure, I guess, she's 18

Your fortune: Average Luck
oh wow CAMEEEEE A TIME hmmm baby brothers CAMEE A TIME WHEN EVERY star fall brought you to tears again mods are abusing wish mouth is weeping eyes are weeping crudehumor you're so black you're eligible for food stamps >>12061609
ur a nigger who got raped by crudehumour223@gmail.com? true LOL xD
i love fisting myself on the bed to interracial

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
crude humour223 is raping your nigger mother and fisting your braindead underage sister? true yikes xD

Your fortune: Average Luck
oh wow brothers

Your fortune: Average Luck
Aw geez, Rick. Y-y-you can't ask a child to do that.
step right up

Your fortune: Good Luck

Your fortune: Good Luck
oh yeah?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
me? well..

Your fortune: Outlook good
oh brothers

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

crudehumour loves to repost threads he likes
it's often the case that he likes MY threads
so is this one of my threads?
well... no...
or is it?

the first thread that used this text as the OP was made on Christmas day in 2022
it was clearly a joke, because you do not pronounce Tsukasa in this way, and the OP knew that overly serious people would step in to correct him
those kinds of people still fall for this bait even today
but what inspired this joke?
only a month before the original version of this thread, there was another thread made, on Nov 29th 2022
It is the first ever mention of the pronunciation of Tsukasa's name.
unlike the jokes that came after this, this appears to be genuine, a true attempt at making Tsukasa's name more intuitive for western pronunciation
and this thread was made by none other than me

so the fact remains true that crudehumour loves my threads
you love my threads and repost them? true lol

Your fortune: Average Luck
greetings >>12065357
hola amigo
I hate when they look at the camera in porn
checking a ... a little cool dubs!
this looks very traumatic please delete
this young man does not appear to be experiencing any pain or trauma.

he seems to be rather enjoying himself.

almost challenging the viewer with some direct eye contact.

well done lad. well. done.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I just raped your mother though
the pseudo-intellectual, tea fren, looks at gay porn and tries to say something meaningful
lol the way you're bullying him is probably devastating to that stupid nigger i think he's crying
that is not my intention
Put your name back on
Is it scary when you're not talking to a namefig? The idea that I could be anyone? 4chan is a very scary place, yes
it should be your intention
I said it should be your intention
you stay away from me!
come again? *takes you aside*

Greetings. My name is Patrick Bateman, and I have contacted you for important matters.

I have taken notice to your post. It is of high quality™, but it's not the contents of the post that I'm interested by, it's the post-number.

Your post-number is unlike any other that I've ever seen. It is unique, as no other will ever obtain your distinct strand of numbers, but that is not the only unique thing about it.

Look at the numbers at the very end. Take a close look at them, and you might even realize it, too. Your post-number has ended in repeating digits, that is why I am contacting you.

I don't want to seem like a bother, as I understand that you're very busy crafting hundreds of quality™ posts such as the one I am replying to, but this is a matter more important than posts. It's a matter of life and death.

Here on [s4s], it is the most important rule of all that repeating digits much be checked and kek'd, that is why I am contacting you. I am here to check and kek your repeating digits, for it is a matter of religious importance.

So, after all this patience and discussion, I will now check your repeating digits. Here I go: #Checked

Now that your repeating digits have been checked by me, it is now time for me to leave. I cannot spend all day checking your repeating digits, no matter how much I love them. The reason? More digits must be checked.
oh I didn't recognise you but yep seems to be the case!
can you tell Kurismasu? In February?!?! >>12066997

Your fortune: Godly Luck
decrease me there
titler crudehumor is black >>12067751

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
ur black? I'm raping your nigger mother you braindead faggot redditor nigger whose underage sister's anus I raped? true LOL
when crude is not too busy raping someone's mother he's posting luce threads and shilling for the romish church and it's prestigious healthcare network.

the amount of PR and propaganda they produce is stunning. even more stunning is the chasm between what people believe and what actually goes on in that network.

there is a man behind their curtain and he's not a very nice man.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
we all know that the moment you saw the luce shota thread a switch flipped in your head and you became a catholic shill
nothing could be further from the truth.

i usually enjoy a little rule 34 but that particular piece of propaganda can't be made enjoyable by any means.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
in the name of the ppl I have to say it's bad very bad but you know the tiny ppl ,they have to have someone taking it for them so to be honest and my personal opinion it's like a honey pot to diverse the hassle of taking it themselves

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
we're living in a nosocomial wonderland.
zero accountability in a consequence free environment.
murder by numbers plain and simple.

there's an A list and a B list.

and there's always more undesirables to treat.

such honest lucid merciful benevolence is truly breathtaking.

Your fortune: Average Luck
>>12067833 (dubs of trouble )
I take all the blame ...

Your fortune: Bad Luck
i cant stop listening to that one stupid lucifer lusicous violenue album from 2002 where every song sounds like that jacqueline taieb song about e-dating ("my prince of the internet")
the blame is not all yours to take.

when you've got the blind leading the blind people are bound to slip on a few banana peels.

then there's the stumbling blocks.

they love those.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
what are you trying to tell me
the person who needs to hear this doesn't exist so it doesn't really matter who i say it to
an "unperson" then.

how orwellian of you to say so.

Your fortune: Good Luck
wowsers >>12058423
you know you've spent too much time on an AnOnYmOuS image board when you know who others are.

Greetings. My name is Patrick Bateman, and I have contacted you for important matters.

I have taken notice to your post. It is of high quality™, but it's not the contents of the post that I'm interested by, it's the post-number.

Your post-number is unlike any other that I've ever seen. It is unique, as no other will ever obtain your distinct strand of numbers, but that is not the only unique thing about it.

Look at the numbers at the very end. Take a close look at them, and you might even realize it, too. Your post-number has ended in repeating digits, that is why I am contacting you.

I don't want to seem like a bother, as I understand that you're very busy crafting hundreds of quality™ posts such as the one I am replying to, but this is a matter more important than posts. It's a matter of life and death.

Here on [s4s], it is the most important rule of all that repeating digits much be checked and kek'd, that is why I am contacting you. I am here to check and kek your repeating digits, for it is a matter of religious importance.

So, after all this patience and discussion, I will now check your repeating digits. Here I go: #Checked

Now that your repeating digits have been checked by me, it is now time for me to leave. I cannot spend all day checking your repeating digits, no matter how much I love them. The reason? More digits must be checked.
i forgot to input dissassociative identity disorder into the namefield
>>12068377 ohhhhh oh wow can you tell >>12058029
actually that's Konater (Ko-Nah-Teru)
ohhhhhh,,,,, you sound educated @_@

Your fortune: Bad Luck
You sound black
I'm raping your nigger mother you braindead faggot redditor nigger whose underage sister's anus I raped? true LOL

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Self-reporting two instances of your bestiality is not a flex…

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
hmmmmm SCA-VEN-GER! NATERRRRRR >>12070872
You are black :/

Get away eww
ur a nigger? ewww :/ get away from me scram you fucking monkey gross gross gross icky black ape ._.
I am so tired and cold and lonely ...when this train will start moving ?

Your fortune: Average Luck
I need some drugs to get me thru this ...

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
that you love my threads lole lole!! yep seems to be the case!!!!!!! so like I said show me a starry eyed hate rise up in EXCUSE ME takes you aside *pop*
you sure are enjoying yourself
*pop is not bad at all but I guess any genre could fall into *pop caz it's just popular and that's not really cool

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
we are glad to hear that as we are nice board and want everyone to enjoy themselves
....it was noticeable his anxiety as he was very nervous about his busiest day

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
I like to say it like sue-ka :-)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
what's he anxious about and how do you know that
do you know that tiny dogs ?how nervous they are ..I know him as well and he is more than likely to be on the nervous side of the deed...idk

Your fortune: Average Luck
I deal with anxiety myself but somehow I have a strange calm over tricky matters which cause me to draw in attention and mystery ...I don't know in inches but everything in me is big

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
the finest
THE 'NATER yeah, the nater the konateru??

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
thanks fren

Your fortune: Outlook good
flying to the skies welpers.. I THINK I THINK ABOUT YOU INSIDE at first it's calm but what happens then what happens that happens

Your fortune: Average Luck
oh brothers

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Wow! Now that is a cool draw

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12074751 (dubs)
I wonder who drew that

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
me? well...
SCA-VEN-GER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6UEZubnB0 >>12076214
78 >>12076214
is it dubbed
konathan >>12076589

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
tell me one of your histories one you think I will be interested

Your fortune: Average Luck
anine snacken
I am not asking ...Just do it

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>12077399 (dubs)
this can't be wrong
here fren you can visit me anytime

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
gay still nigga >>12078028
faggit fortune
forgot fortune again

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
and one more cuz i forgot it twice

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: Good Luck
cone-ata >>12078759
now you're truly devising man really cunning!!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
once a year I beat need for speed underground and underground too

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: Average Luck

Your fortune: Outlook good
nobody likes me uuuu >>12080681
lol good image good post I liked jt
you said jt because you couldn't maintain the lie
I can see where you're coming from, so I'll indulge and humor you: lol good image good post I liked it
I wonder how you'll retort now ;);)
I actually tricked you because it was no the person who posted the image who said that, it was me, the person who's thread you love
that's right!
you love my threads? true lol
hold my hand

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
all in wait

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
konata is so kawaii >>12081854
the 'nater?

Your fortune: Bad Luck
the nathaner
hi I found you a friend ---> >>12078759
the suns red disc..

Your fortune: Outlook good
I'll jump out of the window

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your fortune: Bad Luck
can you tell

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
two same fortunes is what

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
I love you

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
ah... i love you too <3

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
yes and our fortunes prove it

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
oh yah right that's cute ^-^

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
me? well..

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
only at nighttime I see you totally lost at the bottom of a candy bowl >>12087787
fortune sisters

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
please never stop hanging out with me on [s4s] because I'm attracted to you<33
im not going anywhere <3

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>12088676 crudehumor is black >>12089368
ur a nigger and crudehumour223@gmail.com raped your nigger mother? true lol xD
He’s a self hating negro
ur a nigger and crudehumour223@gmail.com raped your nigger mother? true lol xD
and I realize you're mine this is nice price

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
thanks for the thread

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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All content obtained from the official 4chan API and refreshed hourly.
Contact s4stribune@gmail.com for all inquiries.