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This could be us.

By Anonymous | Updated 02/08/25(Sat)23:33:15

This could be us.

This could be us.

but it us
good thread yah not a bad thread I agree >>12062242
cutey mooty
like yah not a bad thread hmmm well, this is a good thread or is it And then, raep tiem! >>12064825
yah just rape the mootkins I agree =3
you are not wrong WOWSERS yah you haffta agree it's a feeling you know >>12064825
good thread is what I'd have 2 say

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
do u want me to slit my wrists 4 u cause i miss you really bad and u dont give me any attention

Your fortune: Average Luck
no you shouldn't do that :D but one thing you SHOULD do is make yourself a cup of yummy iced coffee with a shot of caramel syrup and sum milk and enjoy that over mister lahey falling down the stairs on repeat =^-^=

Your fortune: Good Luck
off by one

hmmmm welpers brothers? what is cooking presently? that's okay brothers the nightshift is over we're all loving this thread mmmmmmm it could be >>12062242
No, it could never be us (I'm heterosexual)
I swear I left her safe and sound evidence suggests that what is it that's weeping let's talking it through man where the air is so thin SCA-VEN-GER! OF LBOOD fun fact: OP is still here and reading my posts >///< not a bad thread in all honesty >>12073272
did I type this up
it definitely could be us yummers <ee THE EXPRESSION IS THE EYES presently contributing THAN BEFORE >>12073272
oh yeah? is that what you're saying?
oh brothers but what's in there I tried the exit moving slowly >>12062242
she's cute ;);)
I agree
AH! AHHHH! ~~YOU DOOOOOOOO????,,,,,,~~
posten an image

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
okay where isi

Your fortune: Average Luck

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
truly I say -- truly////

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
good thread in my opinion but what can you add

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Oh man

Your fortune: Average Luck
truly honestly a good thread in all honesty in my honest true opinion i might add

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
brother? the fortune is hwhat now?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
eye diamond >>12080472

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
wow I haffta say I like this image you posted ^w^ should I post an image to your liking as well?
yess pleaseee
here you go~
omg ilu
oh hey I think I recognize your posting style
greetings op in my opinion this is a cool thread or is it am. I missing something

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
*smooches you on le cheek* now I'm drowning myself over and over

Your fortune: Outlook good
mouth is weeping??

Your fortune: Good Luck
ohhhhhh.,.... that it does the mouth 0_0

Your fortune: Godly Luck
mouth is smooching

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
and we will travel in the alleyways of spring

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
no no no my fren not funny Naiko

Your fortune: Good Luck
this was a triumph

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
the day the sun goes out

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12083482 >>12083503

Your fortune: Godly Luck
I'd love to eat a lot of sugary foods and drinks and eat junk food but also workout enough to lose weight. explain how

Your fortune: Bad Luck
lost at the bottom of a candy bowl

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
so brothers.. the day the sun goes out?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
unchecked triples on the last page!
lol I like sweets too
we share the same shpace >///<
indeed a fool am I gifts that you give to me the drawing news GOOD THREADDDDD the op image is cute?( YEAHHH NOW HANG ON JUST A SECOND I DON'T EVEN THINK YOU KNOW and I will be there till the world stops turning yeah well.. there's a lot 2 say on this I agree THE SISTERS ARE HERE good thread >>12089337
talk to me on the sister sitch brother
huh ot could be us yeah.. any updates on the visitor sitch >>12091276
ohhhhh the nightly visitor you say......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
AND I REALIZE YOURE MINE indeed a fool am i

Your fortune: Outlook good
AND I REALIZE YOURE MINE indeed a fool am i

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I journey through the desert....... >>12092300
Today I will remind them it's end of Fevereiro

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Naiko Tocho is a reporter from /s4s/

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