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I wanna be a cute catboy whose sole purpose is to look cute for master. And if I'm a good kitty I get ear scritches and treats. I wanna be obsessed over like a prized pet

By Anonymous | Updated 02/23/25(Sun)06:29:41

I wanna be a cute catboy whose sole purpose is to look cute for master. And if I'm a good kitty I get ear scritches and treats. I wanna be obsessed over like a prized pet

I wanna be a cute catboy whose sole purpose is to look cute for master. And if I'm a good kitty I get ear scritches and treats. I wanna be obsessed over like a prized pet

grow up and be a man. grow down and be a catboy grow even and stay yourself . grow plante

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
cubbies grow grow up plante create flore friend make my dick grow like a good kitty >>12092429
i thought being a man was defined by what's between your legs? or is that only true when someone is trans?
it's so funny, when you accept you're a man but don't live up to what it means to be a man "you will never be a man"
but the moment you agree with people like you and accept that you're not a man it's "you will never be a woman"
so you stop caring about gender and go "okay i'm neither" but then you get told enbies aren't real nor valid
maybe you are the problem, maybe you are the reason why people transition, because in my personal opinion gender isn't even real
i may be a faggot femboy twink but i still have a penis and i'll forever be more man than you ever dream to be, homo groomer anon chan
im sorry but did someone ask
yeah i did
yes actually, what i said was a direct response to what was being said
you can stay mad about it tho, i ain't even tripping i'm just a bit curious about the logic here
itt anone discovers patriarchal boundary maintenance and fragile masculinity
i am indeed discovering
but since you seem to be an expert on this topic: why don't you educate me? redpill me lowercase, why do gender norms exist? isn't gender norms just an excuse to be gay?
>i may be a faggot femboy twink
can we see your tummy please

Your fortune: Outlook good
>>12092633 (dubs of goonery)
it would take a long time to explain and i dont' think anyone else would want me to talk about it for that long
i couldnt have said it better myself *pats*
stop being a faggot and man up
>i don't think anyone would want me to talk for that long
okay that is true, you tend to get annoying after a while! thanks for checking you're privilege lowercase :)
thanks for agreeing with the sentiment but it still doesn't answer my question
the tldr is that most social constructs like gender are credibility enhancing displays. a person gets circumcised without anesthetic, or kills an elk for the first time, or wears a glove full of fire ants and they become a 'man,' and by performing that role, other members of the community see them as someone who will put the needs of the group ahead of their own pleasure. that's why masculinity is fragile because you must keep performing it

***Welcome to [s4s]***

Thou muƒt be eager to begin funpoƒting, but firƒt pleaƒe take a moment to familiarize thyƒelf with this list of frequently inquired inquiries.

>Who is this Bateman fellow?
A: Lord Bateman is the founder of crafting repeating numerals, which have become a ƒort of commodity around here wouldn't you know. One would do well to familiarize themƒelf with his body of work as ƒoon as poƒƒible to avoid ƒeeming like an oddity. Always remember to ƒhow him reƒpect whenever he makes an appearance, and I do ƒay you'll be seeing a lot of him.

>I am finding myƒelf a bit apathetic toward your aforementioned gentlemanly ƒport of repeating digit acquiƒition, what ƒhould I do?
A: Fret not! ƒimply take it upon thineƒelf to lurketh more ƒo as to get a taƒte for them, there is nothing to be embarraƒƒed about, a new figg is not yet acquainted to ƒuch high quality funpoƒting and their palette begs refinement indeed. But, as with all good things, it will come in due time.

>Why am I being told to kindly fucketh off to <inƒert board link here>?
A: We here at [s4s], unlike many of the other boards, take pride in our having diverged from the Neanderthals, rather than raiƒing question to that fact with primitive diƒplays of ƒexual or gruesome images of a graphic nature. While we all have our vices and fetiƒhes, including thou's truly :^)
we still ask of our uƒers to seek indulgence of them elƒewhere.

>Is there anything I need to remember to check while I'm here?
Thine privilege is a muƒt check at all times, doubles need only be checked on a poƒt-by-poƒt baƒis.
if manhood and masculinity is defined by those things doesn't that kinda confirm that anyone who isn't that is by default either trans or non-binary?
what does that make me (in their eyes) because the way i see it, the only thing that makes me a "tranny" are the rules decided by the alpha male transphobic patriarchs who then proceed to scold me when i simply play along with THEIR laws on how gender works
i'm not a tranny for as far as i know, but i'm not exactly cis for as far as they're concerned (and i'm not non-binary either)
fucking hell, i just want to stick my dick in lightskin older woman and not make a big deal out of it, why do these assholes make things so complicated?
i typed out a reply, but it was like 500 words. if you actually want to talk about it you can contact me on signal or something
sis wrote a whole 500 word essay about why i'll never be a real man ;_;
i'm saying that 'man' doesn't mean anything. you can become one by saying 'i am a man.' social conservatives might not believe you when you say that, but that doesn't make you any less of a man
this is a bad argument bcause it could be made for whatever. every gender is fragile bcause you must keep performing it. like, literally whatever thing i do an external entity might say the same. people say u to "man up" bcause they have a different notion on that, have grown up in different environment etc... i would say that the real message isnt "make a performance" but "do this because no one cares about u/we need you" or smth similar depending on how wealthy is the person talking to u.
I made a shitpost while I was sleepy and jerking it to mommy Dom audio porn and anons started arguing about tranny shit
Let a nigga fantasize damn it

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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