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what happened to esfores gartic phone games? it was the most fun ive had in a while, why arent we doing them anymore?

By Anonymous | Updated 02/23/25(Sun)12:09:31

what happened to esfores gartic phone games? it was the most fun ive had in a while, why arent we doing them anymore?

what happened to esfores gartic phone games? it was the most fun ive had in a while, why arent we doing them anymore?

be the change you want to see!! go start that gartic phone game, i believe in you
i dont think people will join but fuck it, is 6 pm ET a good time?
I will join even though I said I would not join future ones lolol
If someone draws a pol I can just draw something else that I find funny
Can't promise I will join every week though
I'll be there! (if I don't sleep through it)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
the strategy is to do a small game first to see if any /pol/figs are there then kick them out and do games with longer rounds
I'll join!
Gartic in 2 and a half hours b-bump.. no gartic phone to ruin tonight..... does the gartic phone start soon? link :P

at 6 we start the game or is it too much time???? >>12093596

Your fortune: Outlook good
Yes starting at 6 is perfect
I am just hanging in the lobby
5 minutes!!!! >>12093672
this frame is so cute
Good game friends it was fun igtg, thanks for joining, everybody, bye bye!! >>12093713
Garlic Salt

Garlic Salt is a reporter from /s4s/

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