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This is why gatekeeping is a good thing.

By Anonymous | Updated 02/24/25(Mon)00:03:21

This is why gatekeeping is a good thing.

This is why gatekeeping is a good thing.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Political views are fake tribalist inconsistent abstractions, and this meme even got the fake tribalist inconsistent abstraction labels wrong.

Good meme had a hearty lole

Your fortune: Bad Luck
shouldn't every anime be right wing since it's the lefts position that drawing beautiful women is misogynistic and sexist and racist?
they literally just haphazardly threw anime to either side without any regard for their actual politics. . . >>12094180
what is this bullshit meme

Your fortune: Outlook good
how did so many people fall for this clearly trollish image?
I guess we have to talk this thru...

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
go back there

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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