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I have a 450 word essay due in just 10 hours

By Anonymous | Updated 02/24/25(Mon)00:05:13

I have a 450 word essay due in just 10 hours

I have a 450 word essay due in just 10 hours

I made five threads and none of them survived...

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
use chatgpt u will be fine >>12094254
thinking machines are an abomination
when u have a looming deadline they are digital jesus
450 words is actually nothing, just bullshit it and get it over with retard.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
In the jihad against AI, your kind will be treated as traitors and executed first
You're already 11/450 of the way there.
anon have you used 4chan

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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