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get cummed on idiot

By Anonymous | Updated 02/24/25(Mon)02:59:17

get cummed on idiot

shift and also click >>12094322
Great thread and two same numbers!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i bumped this thread
I look like this
this but unironically
thank you i've been thinking about trannny cum lately >>12094382
yeah i thought about it being deposited on a tongue just like that actually
can u explain in more detail please
tranny feeds you her cum straight into your mouth like beehhhh? there isnt a lot to say actually it just seemed like a fun thing to do
i'm always thinking about food and being fed oink oinkoink >>12094392
yea but like were u imagining urself in first person sticking your tongue out like beeehhh while a tranny feeds u cum or like was there more to it than that
i want to eat sex >>12094396
i imagined myself as a smug power tripping tranny doing it to a variety of people actually like i'm so hot and powerful here is my host open up *fap fap cum* then i thought i wouldn't having that done to me either
is this going on my federal record >>12094400
ok see because u were kinda vague in the way you just said "tranny cum" like there's a lot of ways that could go basically like maybe its just been a common theme in your thoughts in a lot of different ways and im kinda curious about what else you've been thinking about
no it's ok no one has to know any of this this is a completly anonymous image board
If the mod pins this, then that means anyone who enters /s4s/ gets cummed on by a valid girl (boy (girl (boy))) smug power tripping tranny cums all over the entire board and there's nothing you can do about it

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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