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All video games are inherently trans. It's a hobby for failed males.

By Anonymous | Updated 10/19/24(Sat)02:23:43

All video games are inherently trans. It's a hobby for failed males.

All video games are inherently trans. It's a hobby for failed males.

whatever your hobby is sucks >>11824748
You are absolutely obsessed and I pity you
your mom is inherently trans
Damn that's crazy consider, the white race will soon be a thang of the pass and all chilren' n ppl will b poopoo coloured! Ask why a reptilian race would display such a vulgar puppet show? Only once the grooming commenced, it took far too long for the realization of a faulty product to take heed. The [real game] will commence shortly... What else would you spend your money on Anon!!? A GF?????? why are you making such vile posts? are you evil? >>11824750
there's an incel under your bed >>11825644 (Dubs)
now neither of us will be virgins
im too poor to enjoy real life, a night out costs 100+ dollars. video games r all someone like me has and that doesnt make me trans
this is their hobby
OP needs to play some bloons >>11825673
that's... sad
this was the first maymay i downloaded from /v/ after one of my mutli year hiatuses

i love to consider the following
kys avatarfag

Your fortune: Bad Luck
that's dubs
Speaking form experience?
hiiii nice dubs
this is nice board
if u say so
programming is inherently trans >>11824748
Where's your argument?
Where's your argument?
Where's your argument?
Consider the following:
I'm too retarded to become a programmer. So I became a gas station cashier like all the other low iq trannies I know.
consider the dubs

Your fortune: Average Luck
your mom is nice board

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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