Well, honestly, I was speechless
When I woke up to your voice note
You told me how you'd been feeling
Let's work it out on the remix
Yeah, I don't know if you like me
Sometimes I think you might hate me
Sometimes I think I might hate you
Maybe you just wanna be me
Can't tell if you wanna see me
Falling over and failing
And you can't tell what you're feeling
I think I know how you feel
You'd always say, "Let's go out," but then you'd cancel last minute
I was so lost in my head and scared to be in the pop breads
I was trapped in a hatred and your life seemed so awesome
I never thought for a second my voice was in your head
"Girl, you walk like a bitch" when I was ten, someone said that
And it's just self defense until you're building a weapon
She believed my projection and now I totally get it
Forgot that inside that icon there's still a young girl from Essex
Polite pose Momiji edition
Previous /fumo/: >>11913707
/fumo/ on /jp/: >>>/jp/48571769
The /fumo/ strawpoll (very important): https://strawpoll.com/QrgewLlp2yp
Its Chima's birthday today!!!
He's been with us for a full year!
sometimes i just forget things
like i forget to sleep or forget to my fortune
i even forgot my linebreak
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Reisen canonically must wear diapers. Bunnies have to recycle their first round of feces, and it is obviously very rude to poop in front of other people and eat it. So she uses diapers to poop in socially acceptable spaces and saves her poop for later consumption. This also includes Tewi, Seiran, and Ringo and all the other unnamed Gensokyo rabbits.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.
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How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512
Jig it up with fellow anones
Last game was pretty fun!
Helpful Info:
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Use /cleanup (if given permission) to clean pieces
Connect pieces to get points and use the jukebox to play tunes (top left + icon)
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
happy morning [s4s]!
the sun is coming up
2025 [s4s] Tribune™, owned and operated by J. Jonah Jameson.
All content obtained from the official 4chan API and refreshed hourly.
Contact s4stribune@gmail.com for all inquiries.