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Alcoholics have an inclination to look different in society.

By Anonymous | Updated 12/21/24(Sat)20:54:11

Alcoholics have an inclination to look different in society.

Alcoholics have an inclination to look different in society.

I was a chain smoker for like six years and no one cared.

I sipped two gallons of alcohol a year and people called me addicted.

I do NOT trust health reviews from 4chan!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
2 gallons of pure alcohol is like 428 beers a year at at 5%
people are so weak
are you saying they become alcoholics because they thing they are better than everybody else? >>11947042
Dumbass is letting his cigarette get wet. Also inb4 catfish comes in here and starts posting like a 13 year old boy lol
you can often enough tell if somebody is an alco by apperance
Are you using the royal you because I CANNOT tell
I often ask them directly and then they get mad at me
Cookieaholics such as myself have an inclination to...have a sweet tooth...*nom*

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
You keep forgetting things, honey, i'm worried.
two same numbers!

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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