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Jigsaw Thread

By Anonymous⋆ | Updated 01/11/25(Sat)09:41:21

Jigsaw Thread

Jig it up with fellow anones
Last game was pretty fun!
Helpful Info:
Use enter to chat
Use /cleanup (if given permission) to clean pieces
Connect pieces to get points and use the jukebox to play tunes (top left + icon)

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

thank you Fun, nice puzzles

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i was too late : ( >>11991630
same :c

Your fortune: Bad Luck
It was a peak puzzle >>11991639
bune raven fan was the mvp though and if scores were on he would've proven it
Rude Edition
i made funny one
that was hard mby bit too hard but it was fun to look at lil jig chans build it
i made easier one
puzzling was nice & fun

Your fortune: Outlook good
im back ill wait for
found one but its smoller one its hard to keep it easy and not imposible
anime time
more puzzles?
I can't believe the anime bugs found their way even in the puzzlel realm.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
They're sprawling.
'Chouli Edition
bumping, completed, will host another soon(tm) or will join someone if they want to host >>11993844
lurking le thread for new room :^)
lole, this one might be too hard, sorry first host.


Your fortune: Average Luck
recommended settings for future hosters (obviously you can change w/e this is just what i like) >>11993868
Spikeman is good and not evil.
Hi elo puzzlelr smurfs made it look easy.
gotta go with high difficulty to match [s4s]'s levels of autism
Ok, I'm sold. When's the next puzzle? >>11993918
this was hard but fun
this one!
nah too much blank space, it wouldn't make a good puzzle
could do jack ruselel >>11993940
cowe would be good too

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
how about the mischievous fumo
how dastardly
Nigger cow?
I'll admit, "nigger cow" made me laugh.
But no, cowe.
when ur on patrol but the bouncy ball appears i puzzled so hard my notebook fell off my desk lole...

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
the eye pieces were the only ones i was good at finding
two same numbers!
good pictures for puzzles are crisp, high resolution pics (the higher the resolution the better) with no blank space >>11993971

Your fortune: Good Luck
nothing ruins a good puzzling experience like hearing this song
Woah, way past cool man!
any jigglers up? >>11994093
I created aquarium puzzle c:
I feel like jigging off if you're up for a friendly jig session
guys i wanna make a room with this but i also wanna make it with so many pieces lole
what's the most ur willing to do
i don't really mind doing the blank parts :^)
2700 pieces!
i am sick today i will help and take a crack at this just bumping since the last stupid huge puzzle isn't done (probably won't be for a while) le bump

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
I have organized the fumo puzzle pieces by color and it doesn't seem any more doable >>11995553
Yeah I was also sorting by color, I did pinks and yellows, got a lot of a pink fumo and some more Marisa completed
There just are so so so many grey and black pieces though, those ones sure add up when the puzzle is a big size
this is nuts >>11994168
I now deeply understand why people don't like 2000+ pieces with blank spaces.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Determined dubs
>>11995166 (dubs)
>>11995344 (dubs)
>>11995900 (dubs)
I made an image thinking about simplicity but without too much blank space to post. This fumo one is too good though. Gonna spend an hour staring at it and see if I can do something.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Average Luck
I'm going to keep hosting more for people who don't want to bother with 2600 pieces of 50% blank space
Pink Edition
says connection closed :<

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
it's on your end, refresh page or use a different browser
Thank you friend! Some shorter ones are very nice
thanks, worked on another browser :^)

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
sweet, if it helps I use brave and have had zero issues ever
pink puzlel finished! :^)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
I wish I could be a puzzler Put this piece together to solve.

Your fortune: Average Luck
50% done!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
420 number nice
81% complete! let's finish the job!
This one looks great for a puzzle
Woah!! Sounds fun I should rejoin 1 min
Finlel stretch now, 95% if you want in
>>11997655 Dubs nice

This one goes out to my homey light pinkish gray

Your fortune: Average Luck

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Only grays yellow speedrun complete
this is nice board

Your fortune: Bad Luck
what's the new puzzle???
come on guys I'm drunk and I want to puzzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made a puzzlel for u
WOWE good job frens!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
bumping for future generations

Your fortune: Bad Luck
"Well IDK THAT!"

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
anyone up? I can host a puzzle now and not later >>11998097
...how many grey pieces
idk havent picked out a puzzle
>>11998111 (trips!!!)
id be down to puzzle
Racially Charged Bovine Edition
rhinocerous jig my puzzle...

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Jig on my saw
he jig on my saw til I reverse bear trap
test >>11998209
that's clearly a midwestern prairie hippo
new puzzle
warning, it's a silly ben garrison cartoon
but they actually make really fun puzzles, trust me bro
no one else wants to join?
Did anyone join?
yeah we did that puzzle in record time >>12000674
Okay that is nice!
Gaymin' Edition
(Warning: decent amount of whitespace)
blissful pic
I make room
is very pink
Nice puzzlel
yayyyy i helped do some of this but not that much but when it started
These are nice puzzles
I have one here but I dont think anybody can solve it... https://jiggie.fun/_bPfRW >>12002481 >>12002487
Holy fuck this anon solved one all by himself
Geez! Cure cancer already!
Agreed, these are pretty wholesome. Jig culture is alive and well.
Puzzlel host later maybe if I'm feeling it b Bump This thread allowed to die status: DENIED. >>12005073
because we want puzzles, damnit
https://jiggie.fun/Yuno 700 pieces Can't work on it myself at the moment but should be fun I hope

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Geez don't pick such a hard one next time :S
congratulations, you are the current Master Chief of [s4s]

if you didn't want to pick a hard one, play on heroic instead of legendary difficulty next time
Google search "4chan s4s collage"
first result. this one may take a while

Your fortune: Outlook good
Keep your head down Chief, there's two of us in here now, remember!??
Bune Raven Fan remains the #1 undisputed puzzle champion! >>12005153
I am buryburypink and I am undisputed 12th place s4s puzzle champion

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
that was fun. 4 hours 16 minutes later

Your fortune: Good Luck
wow good puzzle it looked hard
I made spooky puzzle
I just joined, hoping others join as well
total domination
you are the PUZZLE MASTER

Your fortune: Bad Luck
I was venice/burypink but had to go to work
Micker S4S puzzle!
Still need a fren to join, it has like 1300 pieces
bump Miku puzzle complete! It was hard, GG >>12006770
I only got 3rd place....
but the puzzle was already more than halfway done when I joined
and I did the math, I got more points than anyone else after I joined
plus early puzzle gives you the easy points, the hardest areas are always done last
so I still consider myself the puzzle master
made a puzzle in honor of [s4s]'s newest meme
medium difficulty, 374 peices
45 minutes, had fun!
when you play so much jiggie.fun that you try to scroll a webpage with right click >>12007404
When I get sleepy, I start seeing puzzle pieces fly around everywhere.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Here's a bee-rific puzzle!
3rd is 3rd Mr.Bune Raven. Better luck next time but they still earned their spots
these are always a hit, thanks for hosting https://jiggie.fun/meme

Please only use spoiler if you need a hint. Challenge mode.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
this was hard but fun !!!!
dang it, i didn't save the gif properly. whatever, you get the joke

Your fortune: Average Luck
giving bune raven fan a run for their money
Hey guys I got something that needs to be said
it's gonna sound mean but I have to do it
because it's a rule of jigging and [s4s] needs to know the rules
so I'll just go ahead and say it:

only niggers leave unconnected single pieces in the center of the puzzle

okay? thank you. I don't know who needs to hear this but if you don't get a snap just put the piece back where you found it, don't clutter the main puzzle area
Are you sure you're not the nigger? I leave pieces often next to places where I know they will belong.
You know how a fart is who smelt it delt it? A nigger is who calls nigger too often enough, that poster is a nigger.
True I often like to set up friends, I'm not looking to win in pieces just make more pieces happen.
Jaybird Edition
This was nice bird
my're mrw when I only got second place and I was actually trying.........
buuuuuump these are so fun but it's weird when our hands touch >>12009364
it's not weird, stop making it weird

Your fortune: Good Luck
n-no u anon...

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
kindof weird hearing this at regular speed
where all the jiggers at? jiggaboo jiggaboo, where are you? I made a jiggy for you
well guess I'm gonna have to take a break for jigging for a while if I'm going to be accused of "stealing pieces" and playing "too aggressively"

jigsaw puzzles are something I do to relax and escape drama, not create it
It just sucked, sorry I made you feel that way.
did your hands touch?
Yes, we brushed pieces and I was emotionally fixated on one they claimed.

Your fortune: Average Luck
I notice they're not apologetic for stealing your piece and literally playing too aggressively and disrespecting other players.
the scores banter didn't seem fun >>12011834
Yeah, any puzzles I make will not include scores, as well they obviously suck and encourage sucky behavior
it sucks because I do like seeing how people ranked and if I caught up! But we do have a lot of autistics here and you know how that can get so I agree
Yes it was raven, lol he does that a lot and just now got called out for it.
the official logo for autism looks the way it does for a reason
this is making me feel better about my own drama issues >>12011892
a puzzling condition
I'm keeping scores on just don't be a retarded nigger who spergs out over imaginary internet points; at that point just go back >>12011914
I will play scored games for you and not cause autism, no worries
I'm sorry but I just don't consider it "stealing pieces"
If I see a piece and I know where it goes, I'm going to put it in
I do admit I sometimes see people moving a piece around every single corner of the puzzle and I'm like "oh my god I know exactly where that goes" and yeah, when they give up and drop the piece I'm going to pick it up and put it where it goes
that's the point of a puzzle, to put the pieces together
honestly I think it's more rude to just hold onto a piece if you don't know where it goes when someone else does know where it goes
i wanna make another fumo puzzle
with a more respectible amount of pieces like 500
Might be aids might be kino edition
sorry im about to gartic phone
didn't know gartic phone was in 5 minutes most of us will go and do that but I'll be here when it's over
Mindset of an asshole, not surprised
That is the game for some people asshole, to find where the piece goes and not just sarcastically click like you do hoping to "win" calling that "relaxing"

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
spastically, fuck
I notice you haven't apologized yet once in any form. You see you're doing the things that make fellows upset yet you place no blame on yourself.
demanding an apology is textbook abusive behavior >>12012036
Abusive behavior is what bune has done, you're just full of shit.
and you click around yourself trying desperately to get as many points as possible. hoping to "win" it sucks to solve with you.
i don't know what your problem is, i enjoyed playing with bune raven and our hands touched many times >>12012119
his ego is huge and he offers anxiety and competition in an otherwise chill place.
He won't apologize, he thinks his puzzling is "good" and his score means he beat everyone else playing. Anyone could do what he does and they could do it better, he ruins the game for others and thinks it makes him superior.
While puzzling I never really came across bune raven but the moment the game ends it's instant dick-waving, not in a way where you can go "oh you, I'll getchu next time!" or "good gaem xD" but just hounding
It feels like he'd cover the table with his arms or throw it on the ground if this was a physical board, not enjoyable
Yeah, I never did that to you. I saw you miss a piece or two. You definitely chose to make an example of the piece I was working on.
There's something called manners

I saw bune raven fan at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen jigsaw puzzles in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the puzzles and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each puzzle and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>>12012222 ((QUADS!))
LOLE. I'd work the register again
nice quads

cool story bro

when that was an insult, i was constantly saying it unironically, people would get really mad at me and i'd it was a cool story and you're my bro and they'd be like why are you so autistic
Bune raven really can be a bad guy...
This is why bune raven isn't a meme
can we just ban this bune raven fan? >>12012379
that seems a bit drastic
id give him a second chance if he plays nicely
I just wanna do some jigging... >>12012604
host! I'm out of good images

Your fortune: Good Luck
I am changing my mind and only playing unscored games because the previous skrib had 2 leltards in it who had bad attitudes and only cared about scores >>12012905
did you get trolled by me perhaps
there is nothing more silly than caring about performance in a game of jigsaw https://jiggie.fun/sD0OiQ jigsaw >>12012905
sounds like bune raven fan is ruining more games then
Patriot Edition
We did it, Patriots. Only (You) could save America from the woke liberal mind virus. And now, in approx 15 minutes, GOD EMPEROR DONALD J. TRUMP will take office and SAVE OUR COUNTRY FROM DEI, BIDENOMICS, AND WOMEN!!!
oh yeah that's today

Your fortune: Average Luck
yep today is the day!!
so many leftoid trannies are going to seethe and cry!! it's going to be glorious!!!!!
Not bune raven that time
Christmas is coming in just 5 days!!!
come celebrate with me!!
391 pieces, should be fairly easy
Merry Chrimas!!
>shittin and fartin: and u started 5 minutes after linking so u could get a score head start lole
>def not bune raven fan: that's something bune raven fan would do, they're an asshole like that
>shittin and fartin: i never mentioned bune raven
>shittin and fartin: u just outed urself LOLE
>def not bune raven fan leaves
quoting the chat
lole what a dummy
damn this bune raven fan is a fucking prick
why does he have to ruin literally every puzzle?
unchecked doubles on page 10!
if bune raven fan is playing be quick and don't get too caught up in sorting
memorize the board's pieces and locations so you can stay ahead and make quick connections
tourneyfigging isn't fun

Your fortune: Average Luck
so bune raven fan is sort of an autistic savant when it comes to jigsaw puzzles and likes to get excited about them. Is that really so bad? I've played a game with him and didn't have any problem at all.
i play for fun
just noticed that when i try to compete
its nice observing and learning other's strategies

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
made a new one

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
surrey down to a puzzle picnic
sassafras and moonshine
>autistic savant
That is a bit far, he is pretty normal in ability

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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