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this board is full of morons. I would know I’ve seen them

By Anonymous | Updated 01/19/25(Sun)22:45:50

this board is full of morons. I would know I’ve seen them

this board is full of morons. I would know I’ve seen them

It's full of mormons. Grilled mormons. >>12012680
that cloud looks like a creature
i can fix jashinposter

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Top Moron here
get well soon

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I need to report some crimes around here ...my father is living a double life and failing big on me (paixinho) , my aunt for some reason also blames me for her big mouth and sins and wants to make me starve ...I have no one to talk to about it even because I did that already a lot to some friends and they couln't open their mouth to speak as it was open completely with yawwwww ahhhhhh , some serious stuff and money is speaking louder than poor me

Your fortune: Godly Luck
worm moron post -- in my thread no less

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>The easiest meme.
>Can only get singles.
>Ain't afraid of no ghost.

you feel like you're going to have a bad time

*pat pat pat*

it will get better.

Your fortune: Outlook good
ya, every time u look in da mirror!! lole
I'm going to start using "worm moron post"


"Holding back the years
Chance for me to escape from all I've known
Holding back the tears
Cause nothing here has grown
I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all those years
And nothing had the chance to be good
Nothing ever could yeah, oh

I'll keep holding on
I'll keep holding on
I'll keep holding on
I'll keep holding on
So tight"
–Simply Red

biden should be in the brig.
decorum prevents.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
you know it won't while jashin the snake lurks in the shadows only death will come

Your fortune: Godly Luck
imposter dubs
why didn't biden pardon trudeau?

i mean he's on a roll so why not.


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
irl : filthy rich brat psychopath who follows me for 35 years
>>you have your girlfriend are you not happy yet
translation : I am letting you have your non sexual partner for a while until I get in the moods to kill her and destroy you

Your fortune: Average Luck

and while we're on the subject....
presidential pardons apply to people who have been tried charged and possibly wrongly convicted.

granting pardons to people who haven't been tried or convicted seems like a flagrant violation of law.


who am i kidding. those people don't care about law and i doubt congress is going to assert any opinions on the subject.

biden is making elected representative self government look so bad that i doubt too many people in the wider world are gonna want to hear about it anymore.
they already know about corruption and we were supposed to be the thousand points of light that keeps it in check roflmao.

if you can preclude anyone from due process of law and issue pardons before the fact you have single handedly created a new class of citizen.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
this board is full of morons. I would know I’m one of them >>12013138
8 7 6 get

Your fortune: Outlook good
get well soon


Your fortune: Bad Luck
Cute bunny.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Tell me more about trump rescinding an executive order to lower prescription drugs or withdrawing from WHO.
Trump is mad and my doctor would love to learn about my posts in here...it would be a bit delusional

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>tell me more

the american pharmacy is the most price gouged motherfucker on the planet. some people call that freedom. squeeze the nickel til the buffalo shits then keep squeezing til the buffalo dies.
the WHO is a joke.
the FDA is a joke.
the AMA is a joke.
trump is not a joke.
these problems are systemic and you want to challenge me on a single rescinded executive order?
it's too early in the morning for this kind of glow.


some people toss that word around pretty loosely these days.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

if this is delusional then i ain't ever gonna be normal ever again

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
You're by far the lowest IQ poster on this board, and that's really saying something.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
I'd like to announce officially that Jashin-chan poster is my friend "what's a morron...? you'll know when you see one." >>12016580 >>12016540
Three zeros in a row.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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