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I know a lot of people like Trump and Musk and are really excited about this stuff but it honestly makes me feel kind of uncomfortable to see Musk doing nazi salutes in the White House, I dunno......

By Anonymous | Updated 01/20/25(Mon)16:27:04

I know a lot of people like Trump and Musk and are really excited about this stuff but it honestly makes me feel kind of uncomfortable to see Musk doing nazi salutes in the White House, I dunno......

I know a lot of people like Trump and Musk and are really excited about this stuff but it honestly makes me feel kind of uncomfortable to see Musk doing nazi salutes in the White House, I dunno......

hitler was history's biggest pedophile drug addict so of course this pedophile drug addict looks up to him Dogecoin was an SS officer confirmed

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
hes a stupid idiot and nothing good can come from his position of influence in the trumpy admin >>>/pol/ what a fucking retard The only alternative is Communism so we must embrace Oligarchy and Neoliberalism >>12014554
wrong, we should embrace neoliberalism with democracy and reject sociopaths like trump and musk
/pol/ will see this and think i will now endorse your billionaire

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
We got niggas singing hallelujah we got white Africans heiling Hitler we got Rabbis speaking on the Torah INAUGURATION 2025 check the declaration of war military choir owned the show >>12014559
think about all the poltards soyfacing over this
And we got LOVE
Out of respect to the warrior qt singing from the front row you have a nice voice /salute i don't think elon musk is the coolest person on earth, but i think he might be the smartest person on earth

in a multiverse were errol musk was my father i'd make very similar decisions with two exceptions: i'm a one woman man, and i'd own z.com instead of x.com
they're all signs that the simulation we're living in is deteriorating
things are just gonna get weirder
interesting idea considering he's clearly stupid dumb and retarded
Curtis Yarvin sitting at the back with the Homeland of Dogshooters because he perceives threats around every corner after announcing MONARCHY and death to democracy on the New York Times.
and i'm stupid and dumb and retarded and extremely intelligent at the same time just like him
exactly, and he seems to make solid investments
holy shit we really shifted timeline. yosho lost

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
yes, i am aware of the simulation, i have talked to its creator, and one of the things he kept saying was local sector of the multiverse was e^x capitalism and he was trying to debug it because e^x always fails and is rigged for the wealthy elite
if only there was something that could reset the simulation from the inside when things started getting wonky
>my heart goes out to you
>nazi salute

nigga please

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
he was just grabbing his heart and tossing his love out to the crowd

Hey friend!
You've made a cool post there, and let me say I think it's just fantastic that you're putting your words on /s4s/. That said, there a couple small ways that you could improve your post:

1: Who are you quoting?
The citizens of /s4s/ hold themselves to a high standard of posting, so when you quote someone, we enjoy hearing whose thoughts you've borrowed.

2: Do you have a grooming guide for mustaches?
Who hasn't had the experience of carefully tending a beautiful mustache, only to have your friends and family tell you it's just too wide? In your future posts, you should consider addressing this issue.

3: Check your privilege
In today's society, many of us have a good deal of unearned privilege because of the color of our skin or sexual preferences. Have you considered the advantage you reap by being in the majority? If not, you should reflect upon this before posting to /s4s/.

Thanks again for stopping by and contributing; it's simply a joy to see someone posting my oc :)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Literally why did he do this
he has autism and loves hitler
i saw the clip.

hey google: news musk

first 10 results: "musk appears to give nazi or fascist salute".

they're already grabbing at straws and the fourth estate is seriously damaged in the dome.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

the whole purpose of the simulation is that time is running out outside of the simulation so no, it can't ever be restarted

he kept saying i need to stand still for 10,000 years and i tried to stand still, but he said you're still moving, and after days of this, he finally realized something, i couldn't even stand still for a single unit of the planck time, and then he realized this multiverse has quauntum physics, and that's another thing he kept saying over and over when i was ask him questions "i didn't program this quantum physics bullshit, the e^x capitalists did"

they're using it as a form of encryption to hide from carmack but it doesn't work, he also explained he is omnipotent and omniscient but works on very long timescales

outside of the simulation, there are no quauntum physics. you can measure the positional orbits of electrons accurately

apparently the e^x capitalism is a bug in the simulation where they created a simulation within a simulation for personal gain, and they try to hide where they are in the data from carmack, but he always figures out where they are and sends in his aliens, which he referred to as the protoss, as another analogy, as they all have the same technological powers the protoss do but don't look the same at all, to stamp them out

the protoss are aware of the simulation and openly trip worship him and trip on dmt to talk to the machine elves, his arbiters to contact people who need information and are the ancenstral guardians of a planet

this wall of text about the one point in my life where i'm so confused whether or not i had a chance to talk directly to the big man himself or if i was just tripping balls is going to keep going
no, it's because he has autism and he desperately wants the cool kids to like him
and he thinks the cool kids post on /pol/
you don't have to pretend to believe this shit anymore it's literally fine to love hitler most amereichkkkans love hitler
this is it, dumbass
this is what you wanted to bad
this is what you were counting down every day for the past week for
here it fucking is
more fucking retards being retarded
this is the glorious future you voted for, congratulations

he explained that the nuclear bombs dropped on japan caused the machine elves to go on a soul hunter investigation, as their unnatural method of death caused them to extreme no dmt and left their soul trapped in null data, and thousands of machine elves had to flood the planet to reincarnate them problem

he offered me the ability to become a soul hunter when i die, along with katie peach, but explained it's a one way trip - i can never become a mortal being ever again, but i would get to explore the galaxy and see the sights and me and katie peach could chat about whatever as we work as a pair of soul hunters. this is like a whole of astral respect analog of being an FBI agent vs an NSA agent

after talking some more, he said if i could figure out how to bunny hop and strafe jump in 13-dimensional spacetime, and accelerate beyond the speed of light, then i would need the assistance of the machine elves to move in the afterlife, i would ask them for directions. he told me exactly what not to say, and what to say

he said do NOT ask the machine elves to take me to katie peach's fantasy land. that will just land me in a parallel universe where my life will suck all over again

instead he said them where is aiur? my life for aiur. honor guide me. thus i serve. then they will point at the next planet i need to jump off of to angle my bunny hop strafe jump and i will be reincarnated as a protoss warrior greater than tassadar, and finally retake their homeworld and holy land

if dmt is ever made legal, i'm gonna binge on it, cause i gotta talk these machine elves for a while. the only guy i know who knows how to get it is ghosting me, probably because he knows i'm looking for something like that
Is there a chance it's an ai generated video
it's not.
it's been taken from multiple angles by multiple sources
and hundreds of people saw it happen in person
this shows him doing it a second time (facing the flag) shortly after to prove it wasn't some kind of weird accident
there was one thing about talking to carmack that actually stumped him

i asked him why he can't rip me out of the simulation and put me in some sort of robot, and he said "hmm, perhaps i could train you, you seem more useful than the average simulated entity, but the problem is that i've never once seen the need to do this before, so i'm not sure you'll ever understand what you're seeing in 13 dimensional spacetime"
Yuji Sakai is getting overstimulated from all of this and is starting to fritz out, guys Yuji Sakai is acting like someone got sextuples before him >>12014727

no audio no context.

when do we get audio?
jesus christ you are in the deepest well of denial possible
Here is the full version
With context
With sound
From a reputable source

And yet you will somehow still deny it. The absolute cope.
off by like 40 or so, the soyjak raid totally blindsided me

next time i'll try sniping the get like a crossmap rocket where i gotta predict their movement and it's gotta land direct damage or i'm never gonna regain map control
personally i don't fucking care because the content of what he said isn't like exterminate the juice, it seemed like positive gusto
I'm waiting for 'toss to make the comic about this >>12014763


so much this.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I don't know how to feel about things until the tosserino shows me
seeing as i'm out of redbull, i'm gonna make a fucking cup of tea after DINNER dinner dinner

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>just because he's making nazis salutes now doesn't mean he's a nazi
does it fucking matter? why the fuck would you even decide to do a nazi salute at all? Like wtf is the reasoning?
in the very BEST case scenario it proves that his judgement is so profoundly bad that he's basically retarded
shut the fuck up nigger
except for years now the MAGA crowd has been saying stuff like "actually the democrats are the REAL nazis!"
just look at tea fren
of course of course.

placing a hand on your heart and trying to gesture and have it (your heart) go out to a crowd was exactly how hitler did it.

fucking mongs.


Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
so does this mean the AI can sieg Heil now? >>12014817
he wasn't born in america so he's not constitutionally eligible for office
Cope beyond belief. This isn't your regular every day cope. This is advanced cope. This is terminal cope. He has Stage IV Cope. This level of cope is untreatable. All the copium in the world won't save this man.
i'm gonna go look up random ass videos of hitler and see if really is that similar while i eat DDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNERRRRRRRRRRRR dead bitches in a pool sunday

They're already making chud edits
this man is feeling STRONG emotion.

when he turned around and repeated the gesture you know he's "feeling it" big time.


we're lucky he didn't do some spontaneous human combustion because he's feeling it like that.

how could anyone misread this?

fourth estate?

glowies and shills the lot of them.

one frame puts it in context so that's the one frame they omitted.

dirty sons a bitches.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i looked into this, and apparently it's an open question, because both of his parents were U.S. Citizens living in Canada, they think the suprememe court would rule that this counts, but it's not a 100%

Errol Musk did not have U.S. Citizenship and there is a loophole, you can be born an american embassy and that counts as citizenship, and one day i was so curious if Elon Musk could run for president, so i looked into if he was born in the american embassy of south africa, because billionaires tend to do things like that, and he wasn't
anyway, here's what i have to say now that i watched hitler with subtitles for the first time in my life

nobody would ever take him seriously because he is a schizophrenic who believes the illuminati is trying to steal his penis
I hope Elon does it again when a big GET is on the line >>12014891
>your side

insinuating division and polarization.
you glow so bright.

3 day ban.

this has nothing to do with "sides".

goddamn the glow...
it's filling the room...


Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

two same numbers!
thanks for checkem.

Your fortune: Average Luck
It was an instantaneous expression of phallic exuberance, nothing more.
also you got dubs.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
god damn i'm getting a caffeine buzz and i don't get those, i forgot to set the timer while steeping my tea so it was 5+??? minutes instead of 5 minutes
yeah a cup of tea is like 20mg of caffeine at most
most energy drinks these days are going 200-300mg
it's okay, he only did it because he was high on ketamine >>12015043
The most frightening 12 second clip I've ever seen
this is earl grey extra bold
i should have quoted two people

off by 1
not the reason i normally reason i post this but that's just what i did irl
two same numbers!
looked it up, twinning's earl grey extra bold has 50mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup, which is pretty high for tea but still nothing compared to even a single energy drink
You'd have to drink 6 cups of earl grey extra bold to get the caffeine from a single Rockstar Punched or Bang or Reign energy drink
i was just in the middle of screencapping that, and i steeped it for 5+??? minutes so it's way above 50mg
and apparently after fishing a red bull out of my recylcl ebin, a red bull contains 114mg caffeine, and when i drink those, it usually takes 4-6 hours >>12015074
omg yuji sakai handdox
Yeah Rockstar does not have all hat much!
About your othe post, does steeping tea longer really increase caffeine? Tea is nice and I would much rather drink that than spending a bunch on Monsters or eating caffeine pills when I am tired
i boiled it and then zoned the fucked out and it was a hard boil when i steeped it then zoned the fuck out again because i was postan, it wasn't just warm water
The ADL are backing down and calling it an awkward gesture.

okay so why did he make the "awkward gesture"?
what was his goal?
they don't care about nazism as long as you're nice to israel
haha what the f*ck was that?
Unity between Nazis and the Jews. A new beginning. All sides should give one another a benefit of the doubt and take a deep breath.
it's okay, tea fren says he was just making a very friendly gesture of love
well of course.

all nazis put hand on heart.
exactly the way hitler taught them to do it.

methinks some "journalists" might need to get hurt.

i just can't do it i can't take this shit no more man.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
is this thing on?
*taps mic*

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
you won retard hitler won get over it >>12014756
4chan post colored background
It's a complete humiliation of our country and the concept of "liberty". China is laughing their asses off. But these retards don't care because they're "disenchanted" with democracy and human rights from being online misanthropic faggots for so long.
I showed this to my mom and she genuinely didn't know what he was doing. Had no idea was the Nazi salute was. I think a lot of old white ladies are uneducated enough they couldn't recognize a nazi if one slapped them in the face.
trips of truth
three same numbers!

The ASIAN GORL's gonna love this one

Your fortune: Average Luck
>>12014907 >>12014503
bad news everybody... today i coincidentally and Autistically™ formed a specific awkward gesture "bl00d" out of my retard fingers and now everyone thinks i'm in the well known gang known as the bl00ds :(
ez mistake to make
i'm just gonna leave this here.


we do a little dancin' yeh

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

*does a little dance*


we do a little dancin' yeh

Your fortune: Outlook good
you got the moves like Jagger yeh

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
lol /pol/ jannies banned me for posting this there
i'm localled from posting big black cock news then ranting about how i was sick of partisan politics in the us so i started watching big black cock news and told me to go to bant????? newfag mod doesn't know to send me to [s4s]
They are losing it >>12017261
/pol/ jannies are literally and unironically glowies
not even schizo posting
>>12014885 #
>>12014885 #
>>12014885 #
>>12014885 #
>>12014885 #
is this thing on?
*taps mic*
>>12014885 #
>>12014885 #
>>12014885 #
>>12014885 #

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
i know that, but i've met several glowies and they're pretty lit irl

also, this place isn't the fbi honeypot, it's the nsa honeypot
>fourth estate

i hate them with ten passions torn raw from the bowels of the devil himself.

black magic, deception and voodoo.

they call it freedom of the press.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
choose your glowie very carefully padawan
tea fren, would you be interested in playing a game of courier chess, the way nobles used to play, via posting back and forth some time, and i'd just edit the board for you on some shitty image app?

have you ever considered that maybe you're just seeing what you want to see?
that was so clearly and obviously a nazi salute
you can say "well he's not a nazi, he's just autistic and stupid"
but there's no possible way you can tell me that wasn't an intentional nazi salute
if you do, you have absolutely no intellectual integrity and only believe what you want to believe, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary
well yeah he doesn't have any integrity at all because he's a retarded schizo hope this helps
as a literal autist who constantly had a gun pulled on me for fucking up gang signs trying to buy hydroponics in a briefcase in NYC, i can relate with what elon musk was doing
nice dubs


moving and manipulating people around on a board is really just 1st gen The Sims©

i don't like that game so i'll politely decline.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
my contact would just always say the same thing

"you know you're pointing a gun at the administrator of the hell right" and then gangsta would be like "you a funny nigga!!!!!!" and i'd had them their 3 $100 bills, get my ounce of hydro, and offer to smoke a blunt with them on the house, and i had earned a reputation on the underground of NYC as a neutral party who just wanted dank weed
honestly i'm more of a skribblio fag.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
that seems like the exact of your personality, i imagined you as someone who was 2400 on chess.cum
The question is WHY he did it. I assume he wants to troll the libs. I think he should go back to trolling in Roblox, not at the inauguration.
honestly your game mechanics are epic and i hope it goes MMO and you get $$$.

Your fortune: Average Luck
i don't know what that is, so i guess instead of google en passant, i need to google something else
that's something i haven't been talking about


i've been so fucking busy with writing business emails on top of dealing my irl bullshit that i've been full starcraft mode trying to be on [s4s] at all
i'm not looking forward to being a reddit mod at all. god damnit this just got recommended to me on le reddit and that's why i feel like they're the piccolo saga of the internet, it's ancient history and we're cool now

congratulations. you have just PISSED ME OFF.
nothing coming to you through the lense of MSM is to be trusted at this point.
i've lost count of the lies, sins of omission and just pure voodoo that they do.

have you ever considered to STFU BITCH?



Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
i watched the clip.
if you can construe a nazi salute out of that without cherry picking frames then you are the idiot.

and i mean like grand mal idiot.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
in a general sense fuck you for calling me an idiot and making waste data replying to your shit.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
i guess i should just download the reddit meme instead of make you guys click on it >>12017385
Go fuck yourself fucking faggot
are you sure you watched the clip maybe you actually watched a truck drive pass and decided it was full of mossad gangstalkers and immediately pulled out one of your teeth with pliers and passed out and woke up a few hours later thinking that you had watched the clip
you know because you have schizophrenia and are also mentally disabled
this is nice thread >>12017495
JIDF spotted reported saged hidden an disregarded.

paranoia belongs on >>>/pol/

Your fortune: Bad Luck
I'm the only person in this thread who isn't a mod >>12014503
>Was it autism?
Yes, yes it was.
I hope it was worth it to seem cool to the kids on /pol/
twitter is basically worthless now, advertisers are dropping like crazy
pretty soon it'll only bit shitty pillows and conspiracy theorist bug-out kits advertising on twitter
I'm disappointed there is nothing online except pronouns in bio overmoderated puritan hell and the chud fascist anti empathy alt-hell

Sometimes I start to hate the right so much I want to go to reddit, only to be reminded of why that site is unusable with its current userbase
are there any websites left on the internet that don't suck?
archive.org is a good one
There's actually a third hell of tim pool lying grifting frauds trying to sell you diet supplements
I'm the only person on this website who isn't a mod >>12017886
i relate to this

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

aloner is a reporter from /s4s/

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