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dead board

By Anonymous | Updated 01/22/25(Wed)00:07:45

dead board

dead board

this is nice board. lole Nintendo Switch 2

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
not when its bein racist
dead broad >>12018147
i am a nigga
im sorry for ur loss
prophecy hah >>12018134
you're mom is nice board lole
jokers trick
>>12018434 >>12018433 >>12018439

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
im yuji sakai... im yuji sakai.... im yuji sakai..... im yuuujiiii sakaiiiiiii.................... >>12018454 we used to have quality oh see posts on the daily back in my day >>12018464 >>12018467
thank u for the posts..... if only we could go back................
>>12018470 >>12018130
this. so much this.

*funy funny fuuuuuuney wah wah guitar started playing*

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Good Luck


follow the corn.
Kaplan is connected with the kidnappers
https://youtu.be/YSZsMbuAWkM?si=RPoqbcP_-wC1JccP >>12018527
[Return] [Return] [Return] [Return] [Return]
nigger >>12018147
very bad luck
nintenno switch 2 will fail
its okay nintendo switch 3 will be good

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
i loled yasuna poster died where dinner When, how, and where will you die?
What will be your last message then?
i already died in most timelines
sloup mmmmmmmmmmmm cooo m everywher ueys UUUUUUUWA UUmomoomo ooooooooooooo SEX? iN PENIs YuMMMMMMYY AAAAAAAAAAA GIVe CUMMYMYYMYMYM this thread is like giving diamonds to chickens >_< >>12018616
>>12018663 based baSED BASED yeah I'm thinking BASED! uhhh based? BASED ALERT WEE WOO WEE WOO stfu anime girly lil gay lookin headass lil niggas we gettin, uhhh ummmm what;s the word? UHHH BASED??!! yeah I'm thinkin it's gonna be a based from me pal. Imagine this. Okay, imagine you can only communicate your thoughts through the image of an anime girl, because you are so disgusted with yourself. not very based, hmmm? Maybe a lil faggy retarded hmm maybe idk? ANIME MUST GO https://www.yourworldoftext.com/sforce

Your fortune: Good Luck
i just screencapped the one time they invoked local rule 1 on me

You did not check your fortune before posting on this board.
The username you were posting under was Katie Peach.

then i fucked off for like a year straight because i then i evaded for the first time in my 4chan career because pic related happened to my post history for the first time in my 4chan career and you guys thought i was permabanned and it upgraded to a 30 day so i was like uhh okay i guess i'll just go back to being an antisocial ghost
>>12018842 >>12018847
*should have
>>12018847 >>12018847
start dumping the works of the image guy because they're so fucking hard to track down with my 4plebs comsat scanner

Anonymous is a reporter from /s4s/

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